Friday, October 1, 2010

Truth is

Truth is: I honestly do not understand what we're supposed to be doing in this class. No curriculum has been set for us and in a way, that bothers me because I feel that the course would be more interesting. Unfortunately, that is not how it is run and I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it and make the best out of it.


  1. Brooke to get you on track what mostly everyone is doing is being creative and coming up with projects to create. To help you out you might want to visit and look for photoshop tutorials and see if you find something that interests you. Then maybe you might get an idea of what to do. Tutorials are real easy to follow depending on skill there are easy tutorials. Comment back if yu help
    hope i helped a little


  2. thank you! that did help me since i had no idea where to get started.. ill be sure to check out that site, thanks !
