Thursday, November 11, 2010

Finished Product

As the marking period is coming to an end I am proud to say that I have completed my first project, a customized license plate for the state of New Jersey. Possibly in the future I will send it in to the DMV for them to showcase or display. 


  1. The plate looks great and I think you did a great job with the collage of the pictures. They all flow together and have a really nice rock n' roll feel.

  2. I like this!
    Only thing I would do is erase the edges of some of the pictures with a soft brush (if this is in Photoshop), and try to make the bevel on the letters from a central angle instead of all from one side angle - make it look like it's being viewed from straight ahead, you know? Not from one side
    But this is really good, I'm liking the sepia-ish color

  3. Thank you guys! i appreciate this!
    @ chris yes, i used the sepia to incorporate the new jersey license plate"ish" feel
